Linking Here
This page is completely link free. (honestly, I can't imagine someone not wanting others to link to her page! It's one of the most sincere compliments there are!)
So, if you do want to link to me, you don't have to ask. However, I'd really, really like it if you'd either e-mail me or sign my guestbook so I can see your page, 'cause I'm always on the lookout for pages which might possibly pertain to something DK-ish, or even to something villain-ish, Sailormoon-ish, anime-ish, yaoi-ish, etc. ^_~
The things you probably should see are the facts and propaganda:
Page name:
In Metallia's Name: A Dark Kingdom Webpage, or simply In Metallia's Name.
Thanks to my dear, wonderful Sarah-chan for the two above!
Thank you very much.